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Anja and Elyse

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Finding time to add to the blog in recent months- as is evident by the time lapse since our last update- has been difficult. Since our last posting, Anja has enjoyed her first Thanksgiving. Well maybe she didn't enjoy it too much. We were in Michigan and she got so sick that we went to an emergency walk in clinic late in the evening. She enjoyed Christmas where she was treated very nicely by Santa. Pip is not a fan of the rocking horse she received, but she loves it. And there are a number of other milestones. She can now sit up, although she does still fall back at times. Below is a picture of a girl who has been having fun. Her chubby cheeks reflect that fact that she is becoming a better eater. She particularly likes Vegetable Turkey Dinner. Finally, Anja is starting to do an Army crawl. She can't get her belly off the floor (maybe too much Vegetable Turkey Dinner) but she can pull herself along.