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Anja and Elyse

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Father's Day

We celebrated our first Father's Day with both Anja and Elyse in true Maryland fashion- eating crabs! There's not a lot of new information to share for this entry- Elyse had yet another doctor's appointment and she is still a bit jaundiced, but otherwise is perfectly healthy. Looking at her height and weight, she appears to be in a competition with her older sister to see who can be in the highest percentile for height and weight at all checkups.

Elyse has passed the all important month marker- this was the time that Anja seemed to wake up and realize that she could cry. So far, so good with Elyse. She is either peacefully asleep, or has her eyes wide open just taking in all of the new sights and sounds. We are looking forward to all the discoveries our curious little girl will make.

To give you a precursor for our next entry- Anja has been home from daycare all week and it has been quite a roller coaster. We are a testament to the fact that parents are a little more relaxed with the second child. I think it took a month to even take Anja out on an outing to Target. Let's just say, Elyse was on her first carousel ride this week. We decided that it probably wasn't the best idea, unfortunatley the horses were already in motion. More on that next week.


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