Current Time:

Anja and Elyse

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Deep Creek Lake

With the arrival of Anja and Pip our vacation destinations have changed. This year we spent a relaxing couple of days in a lakefront log cabin in Deep Creek Lake. We can say that without a doubt, Pip was the most enthused with the vacation spot- it sure beat a kennel.

We all had an amazing time. Anja seemed to enjoy the fresh air and the ceiling fans. She is very easy to please. Pip spent endless hours chasing the ball in the water, and, in the meantime, learned that he can swim. He played well with his cousin, Henry. He also proved to be very protective of Anja. Everytime we played pool in the evening we would notice Pip slinking away. The first couple of times we assumed he was on the hunt for some socks to chew, but every time we found him up laying next to Anja's crib. It is nice to see that the two of them are becoming quick friends.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Yellow Rose of Texas

First of all, we apologize for the delay in updating our blog. The primary reason is because our house has lost all semblance of order...and we couldn't find the cable to hook up the camera to the computer.

Well there were a lot of firsts for all of us on Labor Day weekend. Anja took her first trip which took her 38,000 feet into the air en route to Texas and then 40 feet underground as she explored the caverns of Austin. We were a little worried about how she would react to plane flight (actually four flights as we couldn't fly direct to Austin), but we worried needlessly. She was amazing. She cried as we boarded in Baltimore- you could just tell that everyone seated around us was dreading the long flight sitting next to a baby. But as soon as that plane started the takeoff, all the way until we landed in Austin, there was not a peep out of her. We joke that she probably gained about 3 pounds on the short trip, though, as we fed her almost continuously on the plane!

In case you were wondering, Anja's the dot at the head of the table. You may need to click on the picture to actually see her!

Our minor "first" on the trip was putting Anja in her crib at her uncle's house, taking her out to get her in the car seat to go to the hotel, taking her out of the car seat at the hotel and putting her back in the crib, and the next morning putting her back in her car seat and taking her to the airport. We managed all that without her waking up once! Needless to say, she is a great sleeper.

Anja is getting more and more of a personality. She now returns our smiles with smiles so wide they seem to cover her entire face! She is starting to make more purposeful movements with her hands, which is cute even when her goal is to pull our hair or grab our glasses.