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Anja and Elyse

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Friends and Firsts

We first thought we'd share pictures of Anja's and Pip's closest friends in the neighborhood. Pip can't walk past Bailey's house without going crazy. If we let him off the leash in our front yard he makes a beeline for Bailey. Anja does not quite have the same reaction with Sophia, but they were meant to be friends. Born a week a part and sharing the same outfit, we better watch out.

Anja had her two month checkup this past week. As you will notice, she has a lot of bandaids on her legs. Everyone told me how traumatic it is to watch your child get shots. Either I have a heart of stone, or Anja was really pretty good, but we both made it through relatively painlessly. Part of the thanks perhaps should go to the doctor. Anja had already received two vaccines before her or I even knew she had been injected. Anja wailed like there was no tomorrow when shots three and four were injected, however, she stopped within seconds of the last shot. I was pretty impressed.

For those who read "chubsicle" the doctor assures us that Anja is still within the 50th percentile for her age in weight. Height is another story; she is in the 90th percentile. She clearly is taking after her father in that category. Hopefully she gets her father's hands too, and not the dreaded "Hanle hands".

Oh, and the "first" that the title suggests. We have now had three nights in the past five where Anja has slept six hours straight. After two months of getting up every three hours (+/- 15 minutes) six hours seems like a vacation!

Friday, July 20, 2007


Well Anja has acquired a number of nicknames from us over the past two months. She has been called "pumpkin", "princess", "miss flathead 2007", "petunia" and now, the latest, "chubsicle". The last name was courtesy of Mark. We thought about including a photo that would best show off the traits that lead to the name, but then we thought she might not appreciate that too much. Although if she ever looks at this blog, I am sure she won't appreciate the earlier picture of her in the bathtub either! She has her two month doctor's visit next week, hopefully we won't find that she is off the charts. At birth, she was in the 20th percentile for weight. At an appointment two weeks ago she was at the 50th. Hopefully she didn't sail right past that mark.

Just one observation on how our lives have changed. I went for a run this morning by myself- no baby, no dog, no ipod. In the middle of the run I found myself humming "twinkle twinkle little star". Very motivational. The songs coming from her bouncer must be entering into my subconscious.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter

We have decided to start exploring the parks that Fairfax County has to offer. This picture is from Burke Lake Park. It was another circus getting everyone in the car, but the day was great. We think Pip had the best time sniffing all the other dogs and enjoying the attention of all the kids. Anja pretty much slept the whole time. However, if you look closely at this picture, she may actually be smiling!

The picture below is in honor of the release of the Harry Potter movie today. The first book that we read to Anja was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was quite a long book and, as you can see, she was exhausted at the end. I think we will pass on letting her see the movie. She is, however, excited about the upcoming release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. It is a good thing she doesn't understand what we are actually saying, some of these books are a bit dark. After this next book I think we will turn to Goodnight Moon!